When you picture a limousine in your mind’s eye, you’re likely thinking of one of those super-long, elegant, stylish vehicles that only famous celebrities use to prominently arrive at various events or galas.
While this is true, how much do you really know about these one-of-a-kind vehicles? For instance, do you realize that some of the largest and best stretch limousines can effortlessly accommodate as many as 15 people and depending on the specific limo, even more? Keep reading to discover even more fun and interesting facts about limousines that you probably don’t know.
The first standard limousine was introduced in 1902. This was a regular limo, not the stretch variety. It was very attractive and cleverly engineered for its time. It featured an enclosed compartment in the back for the passengers to enjoy their privacy, while the driver of the limo had his separate compartment in the front. Strangely enough, only the roof of the passenger compartment was actually covered. Therefore, on cold windy days the driver was likely uncomfortable, while the passengers remained warm and protected from the elements.
The very first stretch limousine made its debut in Arkansas back in 1928. In those days, limos were used to easily transport big bands, which is how they eventually got the nickname ‘big band bus’. Although air conditioning is the standard in nearly every type of vehicle today, limos were actually the very first vehicles to ever use it. However, back in the late 1930’s, air conditioning was considered a luxury feature and was exclusive to only the most lavishly expensive modern cars at the time, including limousines.
It was an option for these kinds of special vehicles and the customers who wished to enjoy these posh benefits had to shell out an extra $300 or more to get it, which is the equivalent of about $5,000 in today’s money. But, unlike today’s super-efficient and reliable air conditioners, in those days they didn’t even work most of the time, didn’t display the temperature, and took up a great deal of space.
The longest limo on record has an incredible long length of 100 feet overall. It was built nearly 18 years ago in 1997 and can literally split in half to change directions. It has 26 wheels that are organized into 3 different sections: the front, middle, and the back of the vehicle. This “never-ending” limo was featured in a variety of shows and movies and also piqued the interest of a number of well-to-do individuals who wanted to rent it based on their needs to travel in style.
The U.S. president moves about in sheer class thanks to ‘The Beast”, which is the nickname of his customized, private, heavily-armored and virtually indestructible first-rate limousine that’s fit for a king. Obviously, this car is tailor-made to accommodate the president’s security and safety and is 100 percent bulletproof. It features the most technologically-advanced communications system you can possibly imagine that keeps him safe while traveling, a far cry from the early 1900’s model. Although it’s likely you’ll never get to actually ride in ‘The Beast’, you can still probably rent a limousine wherever you live and take a luxurious ride to reach your destination in superior style and class. Limousines will continue to make progress in terms of technology and their overall appearance. Can you imagine what they’ll look like a hundred from now?